Monday, November 12, 2012

Jabbina the Hutt... and Other Unfortunate Likenesses

Every year for Christmas or a birthday or some random day, I like to make a gift for someone in my family.  It's because it's cheaper more meaningful to do it that way.  Last year for my mom's birthday, I decided to paint our family's likenesses onto Russian nesting dolls.  I texted updates to my brother during the process.

Me:  Here's Mom, completed!

Ben:  Uhh, that's great, she looks a little...

Me:  Just say it, she looks like Jabba the Hutt.

Ben:  I was going to say 'fat', but yes your description is more accurate.

Me:  Well, since it's her present, I made her as the biggest doll, and unfortunately that means I had to make her proportions... different.

Ben:  I think it's the mouth, it's huge.

Me:  Yeah, and the ass.

Ben:  Yeah, it's like she has no legs.  This was a terrible idea.

Me:  I added details too, let me send you a pic of the bottom!

Ben:  Uhhhh... what the hell is that?  Why did you paint Mom a vagina?!

Me:  What?  I didn't!  Those are feet and toes!

Ben:  That looks awfully like a vaj...

Me:  No, I did not paint a vaj.

Me:  OH MY GOD, it's a vaj!  It's an accidental one though, does that make it better??

Ben:  You're not giving it to her like that, are you?

Me:  Shit.  I guess I'll paint it blue...

Ben:  Do I look this fat?  Do I have genitalia?

Me:  Uhh, well I'm completing each person in order of their importance to the family...

Ben:  Wait, you painted Poopie already but you didn't paint me yet???

Me:  Yeah, I guess I was waiting to see your reactions to the others before I decided how effeminate to make you look.

Ben:  Wonderful, well send me a pic when you're done.

Ben:  So I'm groping myself?  Or just rubbing my head in a sexy way?

Me:  You're trying to be sexy, but falling short - I wanted to keep these as true to life as possible.

Ben:  I look ridiculous.

Me:  How about now?

Ben:  Wow, is that a nesting doll graveyard?

Me:  I hung your head and severed torso on posts as a warning to the other dolls.

Ben:  You really made me look womanly.  Like I have lipstick and mascara on.

Me:  I know.  Mom's going to love these.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Buttholes Roasting on an Open Fire

I made an impulse buy the other day.  I was in the grocery store and walked by a display of these.

"Mmm, I bet they taste like Christmas!" I thought.  "This will be the best $1.15 of the grocery run!"

When I got in the car, I opened the bag and immediately my nose was bombarded with the pungent odor of butthole.

"Why do these smell like rectum?!" I said out loud.  No one answered me but I still wanted to know.

Against my better judgement, I took a chestnut out of the bag.  Not only did it smell like anus, but it looked like one too.

Did I accidentally buy a bag of monkey bits?!  What is this, China?

They weren't even the same color as on the package!

I'm sorry, did you want something pumpkin-colored that tastes like Christmas?
Because all we make are smelly brown cornholes.

"Well," I thought, "I spent all that money on them, I might as well try it and see what it's like.  Maybe I'll be surprised."
