Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Whiteboard Surprise!

This week, I made up a new game.  It was inspired by the $2 whiteboard I purchased at Five Blow (that's what we call it, anyway) and somehow it provided Katie and I at least two hours of entertainment.  For the record, we weren't going back out into the world, so I was in my pajamas.  Katie said, "I'm going to keep my jeans on because I just put them on right before you got here."

Anyway, the rules are as follows: we each take turns writing something on the whiteboard.  When I write something, I give the whiteboard to her and she is not allowed to look at what it says.  She has to then hold it for a picture and ONLY when she looks at the picture will she know what the whiteboard said.  Then she does the same to me.  Like so:

The rules then evolved to include posing.  The person who wrote on the board got to give instructions on how to pose, such as: "Stand up!"

and "Here, hold this."

and "Smile!"

At one point, Katie decided to dog-shame me:

But I was still nice and made her into a model!

"You're going to be a stahhh, dahling!"

And as nice as I was, she decided to break out the true stories:

 Okay, dammit, Family Dollar has things for more than a dollar.

The arrows are subtle but brilliant.

So of course, I had to break out the true stories as well:

That face she's making makes her look like she has a nose whistle right now. 

There was drawing:

Or in Katie's case, 'drawing.'  Also, she turned me into a 13-year-old valley girl.

 As usual, Katie got a little arrogant:

And I broke out one last truth:

Sadly, this kept up for two whole hours.  What are best friends for if not to be super entertained by taking embarrassing pictures of you?

For the record, I did not instruct her to sit like that for this one.